
From a distance the green algae growing in the wet pondish area last spring looked kind of foamy and not very interesting, but through the macro lens it took on an entirely different character and I could see that the ‘foam’ was made up of tiny algae filaments trapping lots of little air bubbles. While I was taking pictures of the algae I spotted a tiny springtail just walking over the water which I made sure to get in some photos as well. It turned out I got a couple more springtails in my photos that I didn’t see at the time (it was kind of hard to see what I was doing much of the time anyway; I was leaning out over the water to reach the algae but I couldn’t really lean far enough to look through the viewfinder properly most of the time). I thought the results were super interesting looking, and I ended up returning to it to take more photos.

Close up of the springtail

This springtail only appeared in one photo and, amazingly, in perfect focus (3rd photo is the uncropped version)

An extremely tiny springtail

Water Drops

The snow is melting (for the moment) and I found the melt water dripping from the bridge into the creek. In one spot the drops were coming down very steadily, and I was able to catch the moment when the drop landed in the creek fairly easily. Here are a few of the pictures I took.

water drop landing in creek

water drop landing in creek

water drop landing in creek

water drop landing in creek

water drop landing in creek

water drop landing in creek

water drop landing in creek

water drop landing in creek
This is a close up of the photo above. I thought the pattern at the base of this one was really interesting.

water drop landing in creek

water drop landing in creek
Some close up details from the picture above.