Ice Storms

We had a couple of freezing rain storms over the past week, which provided me with a rich source of photography opportunities. Here are a few of my favorites.

Hazelnut catkins
Autumn olive bush
A plant that I have not identified yet.
The path to the field, lined with icy autumn olive bushes.
Wild rose hip
Icy autumn olive branches against the sky.
Norway spruce needles.
Water horehound
White cedar leaf encased in ice.
Wild rose hips
Water horehound
Pine needles
Ice coated grass
Maple leaf bud poking out of the ice.
Wild rose hips
A bit of mesh that was protecting a young planting.
Ice coated currant leaf.
Ice on the back of our van. Just about all the ice was covered in patterns like this, but the smooth black surface made them stand out even more.
Young maple tree