This time of year, after the last of the fall color has died away, but before it has started snowing regularly (or at least freezing the water in the creek and elsewhere into whimsical shapes), is pretty drab at first glance. There are always exceptions to be found if you look for them, though. Last year at around this time I wrote a post about rose hips, which are one source of color. This year, I’ve been finding myself taking pictures of mosses. They seem to like the cool dampness this season has to offer.
Moss at the base of a tree in the woodsMoss on a fallen tree in the woodsMoss and the bark of the tree it is growing fromMore of the moss growing from the fallen tree. I had photographed this same patch of moss before, and been satisfied with the picture, but the lighting was different on this day, and the color of the moss had changed a bit… and I wound up getting pretty different looking pictures this time around.This is one of the earlier pictures of that patch of moss.I spotted this clump even when there was plenty of other stuff to capture my attention, but it was different looking than any other mosses I’d seen… I’m sure it is a different kind, but I know very little about moss.